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Two Mechanics Walk in a Shop...

Updated: May 12, 2023

Something to consider when picking your webmaster, to build the website that represents your business, your goals, your reputation, your products and your services.

Yep, it’s true, the TV and Online ads make it look so easy to create your own website, that’s because they want to sell you. They don’t really care if you produce a quality product or pull all of your hair out trying it for yourself. Or - that even worse, by not knowing what you’re doing, you then do it wrong, and it looks like a playtoy instead of a professional representation of your wares and your business. Thereby, risking (and probably causing) more in losses of business clicking away from a crappy website, opposed to the money you saved from hiring the professional.

But hey - ya saved money for a website that possibly helped destroy your business!

Perhaps consider to not stand in your own way of success? Maybe consider instead, a priority on better attracting customers to pay you for what YOU do well! By paying others to do what THEY do well.

For example, I can build an amazing website, but if I ever need to build a skyscraper, an engine or a transmission, or if a I ever want a great race car, I’m going to pay the experts!

Hire a professional to build your website. It shows when you don't.
Hire a professional. When you don't - it shows. And so do the consequences.

And while there may be a lot of know-how and understanding in any field, and how to best use the tools at your disposal, it’s not all that tough to recognize how to pick your webmaster to build the website that represents the professionalism, the quality and passion you instill in your own profession.

But let’s step away from the website for a moment. Building a great website is just like building any other great product. So let’s say instead, you run a garage or a mechanic shop to help keep people on the road safely and efficiently:

* Two Mechanics show up at the shop on their first day of work, both of equal skill level and matching background and expertise:

Mechanic A walks in carrying a plastic grocery store bag, filled with a hammer and a screwdriver.

Mechanic B walks in with a 5 ft tall granddaddy craftsman tool chest on casters filled with the latest and greatest brand new tools in every drawer, shelf and compartment within their shiney Indy 500-level storage housing.

Which one is most likely to succeed with their expertise, and your end product?

But wait, there's more...

* Two Mechanics show up at the shop on their first day of work, both rolling in the same 5 ft tall granddaddy craftsman tool chest on casters filled with the latest and greatest brand new tools in every drawer, shelf and compartment within their shiney Indy 500-level storage housing.

Mechanic A has just successfully oiled the chain on his brand new Huffy bicycle that sits in the garage where he lives with his mom, and for his next task as a mechanic is YouTubing how to replace your brakes and change your new tires. For a super low cost.

Mechanic B has just been hired from his previous position of 20 years building motors and complete automobile restorations, and available, yes at a higher cost, to rebuild the motor in your car that you need to drive your family across country relocating for a new job.

Which one is most likely to succeed with their set of tools, their experience and expertise, and YOUR end product??

Tools AND Talent are required. Not just one or the other. Don’t hire Mechanic A!

Because if Mechanic A is cousin Bobby that only knows how to change the chain on his Huffy, and available to do the job for nothing, showing up with his empty new shiney tool chest, you at least owe notice to your passengers that ya just might not make it.

It’s the same with your website, you do get what you pay for, and paying matching value for the proper expertise AND the proper tools are going to help you succeed far better than cutting corners. When the fate of your interests are on the line, hire the one that has the tools, the talent and then some!

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Hire a professional. When you don't - it shows. And so do the consequences.
Hire a professional. When you don't - it shows. And so do the consequences.

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