Nashville Web Design .BIZ
Nashville provides amazing opportunities for Entertainment Photography, Live Concerts, Models, Actors, Musicians and many other great subjects to shoot. View a few of each in our portfolio samples below.
ALL IMAGES: (C)Copyright 2009-2019. All Rights Reserved.
All materials, content and forms contained on this website are the intellectual property of BRIAN BAYLEY and may not be copied, reproduced, distributed or displayed without BRIAN BAYLEY's express written permission.
Hello, I'm Brian. Welcome to my photography pages. Being a photographer allows me another outlet of creativity and opportunity to catch moments in time. Shooting pictures has always seemed to me an emblem, or a brand of someone or something's existence in that particular moment. Unlike video, still images are a miniscule fraction of the entire action taking place. A good picture can provide a memento of that very instant, that will never come to be again, forever in time. Be it among a public presentation, or the most private and intimate of seclusion, the photo that the snap of a button provides, the lens that captures it, and the photographer who recognizes it, provides a prize for all, or privacy for none.

Plus, snapping photos is fun - just to experience the people, places and things we love to shoot. And dependent on one's taste of visual stimulation the photographer gets to capture an emotion or appreciation of beauty, and transcend photography technology for their own singly unique interpretation and resounding reaction in their own hearts and mind. Simply, from the photographer's click of a button. To literally freeze time, beauty and emotion is the impetus, to every shoot. Inside you'll find some images I've shot, and more than anything, just my own photo album online. You'll find concert and entertainment photography, modeling and nature photos and also some that just provide a fun place to be; be it boating on the lake, hanging at the race track for that weekend's racing, or just out and about surrounded by beauty awaiting to be captured. Please email me if you have a shoot in mind.

Live Concert