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Website Updates: You "Can," But You "Shouldn't"

The Hidden Dangers of DIY Website Updates: Avoid the Ripple Effect of Errors

We build websites with a toolbox of extremely amazing tools. In doing so, we create an entire structure of digital domicile housing all that is your business, your endeavors and your reputation. And while it may be our job to make it all look so easy to do, it's probably not what it appears. There are many factors involved, many integrations and many elements tied to other elements that tie to other elements to keep it all solid and intact.

Would you want to risk it all tumbling to the ground to save a couple bucks?? Many do, and it costs them dearly in down time, repair bills and lost business. And while we my offer you the option to access the website for your own updates and changes, we highly recommend that you do not. Below are a few reasons why, but if your priority is to cut corners and save yourself a few bucks, just realize the when, not if, you break the website it is far more expensive for us to come in and fix your mistakes, than it is to hire us to quickly, easily and efficiently make the updates at a mere fraction of the cost!

Hire  your webmaster to work on your website.
No matter how much you tell yourself DIY is the right answer, doesn't make it true!

We do offer training to work on your website to help avoid breaking it, but it rarely prevents someone from fumbling around in areas where they should not. Again, it's expensive to do so, training you to do our job, but we do hope it will save you a couple errors and ruining our website build.

Your job looks pretty easy too - but I certainly don't think I should come into your work and do it myself.
Save yourself time, money and headache: Hire the expert!

So you have volunteered to update and maintain a website that you didn't build in the first place. It seems like a harmless task, doesn't it? After all, how hard can it be to make a few changes and keep things running smoothly?

While it may be tempting to take matters into your own hands, venturing into the realm of website updates and maintenance without proper expertise can have detrimental effects you might not even anticipate. In fact, it can cause a ripple effect of errors, lurking beneath the surface, ready to wreak havoc on your unsuspecting website users.

Nashville Web Design .BIZ Website Design Hire Your Webmaster to Work on Your Website More than Meets the Eye
There's More Than Meets the Eye

Building a website requires a level of technical knowledge, creative thinking, and attention to detail. It's a craft that involves carefully constructing the foundations, intricately designing the layout, and flawlessly integrating various functionalities. By claiming expertise in updating a website, especially without having been involved in its creation, might involve way more than you suspect. Hire your webmaster to work on your website instead.

Not to say it can't be done, but it probably shouldn't. Maybe there's a chance you possess an uncanny ability to quickly grasp the inner workings of a website, navigate its intricacies, and introduce changes seamlessly. Who knows? But, to truly be considered an expert, at the minimum, it's usually best to have that solid foundation of having built the website yourself.

But we know from many past experiences, that advisement is not enough. Everyone figures they can change some text and update a picture. And maybe you can. And we know you think you can but beg of you to please re-read above, and read below, some critical reasons why you should avoid updating and maintaining websites (especially that you didn't build), shedding light on the risks and enlightening you about the importance of leaving it to the professionals.

Lack of Familiarity

Working on a website that you didn't build means entering uncharted territory. You might find yourself grappling with unfamiliar designs, convoluted code, and a structure that seems foreign. Without the deep understanding that comes from building the website yourself, you risk inadvertently introducing errors or causing unintended consequences. What may seem like a minor change could potentially disrupt multiple functionalities, leading to user frustration and a negative experience overall.

Understanding Complex Interdependencies

When you work on a website you didn't create, you are stepping into a network of intricate interdependencies. Websites are built on a myriad of codes, scripts, and functions that work together harmoniously. Without a solid understanding of these complex relationships, it becomes challenging to make even the simplest changes without causing a domino effect of errors. One small misstep could have far-reaching consequences, impacting various critical aspects of your website's functionality.

Incomplete Documentation

Imagine trying to maintain a website without the guidance of the person who built it. Sounds daunting, doesn't it? Unfortunately, this is often the reality for those who take on the task of updating and maintaining websites they didn't create. Incomplete or missing documentation from the original developer can make it incredibly difficult to grasp their design choices, configurations, or customizations. You may find yourself grappling with cryptic code or scratching your head over mysterious features that lack context.

Compatibility and Incompatibility Issues

When you update or make changes to a website, you need to consider the compatibility of the new elements with the existing ones. A website is a delicate ecosystem where everything must work together seamlessly. However, without proper knowledge of the original website's design and the way its components interact, you risk introducing elements that clash and disrupt the entire system. This incompatibility can lead to broken functionality, visual inconsistencies, or even crashes that drive visitors away.

Importance of Expertise and Experience

There's a reason why web developers and professionals specialize in updating and maintaining websites. Their expertise and experience are invaluable when it comes to navigating the intricate complexities of website development. Relying on a professional ensures expert care and attention to detail, minimizing the chances of errors and maximizing the efficiency and effectiveness of website updates. By leaving it to those who have spent years honing their craft in the industry, you can rest assured that your website is in safe hands.

Collaborating with the Original Developer

When faced with the task of updating or maintaining a website that you didn't build, the ideal approach is to hire the original developer or seek their guidance. The person who built the site possesses an intimate knowledge of its inner workings, design choices, and intended functionalities. By utilizing them them in the process, you hire their expertise and ability to expedite the update or maintenance process. This collaboration minimizes the likelihood of errors, ensures a smooth transition, and ultimately results in a website that remains error-free and user-friendly.

In Conclusion

While you technically "can" update and maintain a website you didn't build, the risks and potential ripple effect of errors make it clear why you "shouldn't." Lack of familiarity, complex interdependencies, incompetence, compatibility and vulnerabilities all pose significant threats to your website's functionality and user experience. By recognizing the importance of expertise and collaborating with professionals, you can avoid these pitfalls and ensure a smooth and error-free website for yourself and your users.

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