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Hire your Webmaster to work on your Website.

Updated: Apr 9, 2022

Hire your Webmaster to work on your Website.

Hire your Mechanic to work on your Truck.

Hire your Doctor to work on your body.

Hire your Plumber to work on your plumbing.

Hire your Dentist to work on your teeth.

Hire your Contractor to work on your house.

Hire your Accountant to work on your accounting.

Hire your Trainer to work on your sport.

Hire your Electrician to work on your electrical.

Hire your Webmaster to work on your Website.

Ever wonder why HOME DEPOT and LOWES are always advertising to the DIY'er?

Because they know that most DIY'ers screw it up and spend WAAAAAAAYYY more money trying to get it right, than the expert contractor hired to come in and do it right the first time!

One of the most deadliest questions as a Webmaster, is the client asking, “How do I make changes and updates myself?”

Now at first, it seems a simple question, with the first part of the answer being, well..."have you ever built a website or gone in to make changes to one in the past?"

But the fact that one even asks how to, should be enough of a red flag that the answer should be more like, “just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.” And run the other way.

Not saying it cannot be done, but in the cases so far when that question has been asked, it has more often than not, proven to be completely disastrous for the DIY’er, and turns out to be way more hassle and problems than it should have been, vs. simply paying up the few dollars to get it done correctly.

And even with countless warnings to folks, that I would advise you hire an expert to do an expert’s job, the DIY’er comes in guns a blazin, thinking “this can’t be so hard – I’m a smart person, I can figure this out and cut some costs for myself. - Yeah, I got this.”

However, warned again – Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

”I can you tube it,” says the DIY’er.

...And if your business, your trade, or your goals that you are promoting on your website are not all that important to you should you make a mistake and take them all down – then by all means, yes. Dig in, figure it out, and build your education along the way. It could go just fine!

And if it doesn’t, which the past has proven to be the majority of the time, I am here and happy to help all those savings and cut corners you tried... go out the window. And while your site is messed up, I will spend far more time researching the repairs needed, at a much higher rate, than the fraction of time and expense it would have taken to hire me for the proper solution in the first place. But you do you.

Because when the person that does know what they are doing, actually does so, quickly, easily, efficiently and successfully – vs. the person that does not know what they are doing, youtube’ing their way thru the process and taking far longer with much more risk of failures, all to cut corners, the job done by the professional, actually gets done correctly.

I have had people in the past that have pursued the DIY process, after convincing me that they have many years of experience not only with websites but the exact toolbox with which it is built, completely destroy and ruin my delivered product. And then remained limping along thereafter. With all the expertise they claim, or even worse, when you know you don’t have the expertise, the results can quickly and drastically prove otherwise from your original intentions

So for a third time, you have been warned:

Hire your Webmaster to work on your Website.

Hire your Mechanic to work on your Truck.

Hire your Doctor to work on your body.

Hire your Plumber to work on your plumbing.

Hire your Dentist to work on your teeth.

Hire your Contractor to work on your house.

Hire your Trainer to work on your sport.

Hire your Electrician to work on your electrical.

Hire your Webmaster to work on your Website.

But if you insist, as a business man, I will be happy to take your money when it is needed for your repairs and your mistakes. But please know, I warned you against climbing under the hood of your website; I would rather help you save money by hoping you hire the person that does know instead of wasting your money on the person that doesn’t. But that is your choice to make. I’m only trying to help get the job done in the most efficient manner.

I hate to see the DIY’er tragedy happen for a few reasons:

1. I hate to see people create problems for themselves that they can easily avoid. And warned to do so.

2. I hate to see the product I built to help you SUCCEED in your business, is now unable to do so, the way it was originally intended and built to do.

3. The masterpiece that I have built, based on your goals we discussed to do so, is now not so much the masterpiece it used to be. (the Mona Lisa hangs on the wall, here is your paintbrush so you can make some changes!)

4. The overall result that I hate to see, is your lost time and opportunity while your site remains in disarray.

But again, the money is good for trying to fix people’s mistakes – so if ya wanna, have at it and you can pay me now, or you can pay me later!

And again before heading in, you have been warned:

Hire your Webmaster to work on your Website.

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